Sunday, August 21, 2011


Soooo I've been thinking,
We've been apart for so long and we still have this blog here, and recently my Hannah moved to LA and started a blog for my little friends, and since I just hung up the skype with Hunter and Sarah and thought, hey, I have so much more I want to talk about with them, I thought, MAYBE WE COULD USE THIS BLOG FROM TIME TO TIME TO UPDATE EACH OTHER WITH OUR LIVES??

because we're all in very different places and all over the place and crazy and it'd be cool if, maybe even just for one time around, we all gave each other a little update? I really want to know what everyone is up to, and I know I've spoken to you all separately in different capacities, but why don't we just do this for each other? Yeah! YEAH BUDDY

So my back is chillin, I have a sexy little scar, and I'm about to go back to work, although they don't have very many shifts for me at the moment so I'm not sure what to do. BUT I did just file and pay for an application to get a license to be a NY Sightseeing Guide, so I can be a fucking double decker bus tour guide! I mean, I'm thinking this may be a fucking great job for me. Probably won't make a lot of money but honestly, I'm into having a job that I actually enjoy. So yeah some time next week I have to go down to the office and take the test, which is 150 questions about New York, and I have to answer at least 97 correct. I'm going to try to study but I have no idea what it will be like, but if I fail I can take it one more time without having to pay again. So at least the second time I'll know what I'm up against.

OH SHIT and also I was approached the other day by this chick who said she was casting for a new trivia/scavenger hunt reality show competition, and would I be interested? So I had to answer 12 trivia questions and I got 8 of them right and then she said, well, your teammate would need to answer at least two of the remaining questions correct for me to consider there anybody you could call that would be interested? So I called Caroline, duh, and she picked up, duh, and she answered three out of the four correctly, so BAM a little chit-chatting with a producer later and Caroline and I, this Thursday night, are filming this show. We have no idea what it's about. It's a pilot so I don't think it's attached to a network, and we have no idea about the format of the show, other than we're going to answer some trivia questions, we're going to do a scavenger hunt around a neighborhood in New York, and there are potentially cash prizes involved. Nooooo idea what's gonna happen but I'm down.

So yeah that's basically what I'm up to, still living with my parents but they're buying an apartment in Williamsburg so once that goes through I'm living there for a while, so I obviously can't complain. Although I must say being here all summer with a back condition has been ROUGH. But it's pretty much all over now. OH and I'm applying to Grad school, the CUNY Journalism school, the only one I'm applying to, it's three semesters and costs 13,400 bones. so I'm there. well, we'll see. but probably. anyway I'm taking the GRE and it kind of sucks but it will be fine.

Anyway I LOVE YOU ALL and I hope I haven't bored you, and I hope that maybe everyone could do a little sharing because I miss you all and I miss the Caj and we have to make sure that the Caj spirit lives on!! BOOSH!

love, milk, and bacon
